How can we help you?

Elder Law Services in Burlington
Sally Chiarelli Law Office
Sally Chiarelli is Elder Law Certified from the Law Society of Upper Canada. As an elder law practitioner Sally plays an important role in helping the ageing population plan issues of the later life and the potential of incapacity, neglect, abuse or exploitation.
Our focus of elder Law is not on the disability and dying, but on ensuring that the laws, policies and practice relating to aging are appropriately tailored to the needs of the aging population in terms of capacity, consent, guardianship and the role of substitute decision maker.
Experienced Elder Law in Burlington
Please call to schedule your initial consultation
Our principles are based on the following criteria :
- general planning for later life including personal, legal and financial planning
- capacity counseling
- durable powers of attorney, mandates and health care directives
- guardianship (Protective Regimes)
- housing option and assisted living issues
- later life marriage, divorce and separation
- pensions
- age discriminations
- abuse and exploitation